Five Minutes with Philip Arthur Moore –


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Philip Arthur Moore
Lauren Orsini
Every few weeks, we’re sitting down with an Automattician to help you get to know the people who work behind the scenes to build new features, keep Automattic running, and make the best it can be. This week, we’re very pleased to introduce you to Mr. Philip Arthur Moore: Theme Broker, global nomad, and emoticon expert.
Philip Arthur Moore
I’m currently the Premium Theme Team lead at The majority of my waking hours are spent feverishly obsessing over making premium themes a world-class experience for all WordPress users. This means a lot of different things: ensuring that customers are well-supported in our premium themes forum; auditing every single line of code in every premium theme; educating the WordPress theming community on proper approaches to WordPress theme development; and with my colleagues coming up with strong, robust guidelines for developing themes the way.
One of the more exciting parts of my job is being able to partner and work very closely with premium WordPress theme shops like Graph Paper Press, The Theme Foundry, Press75, and Organic Themes to bring some of the best themes onto for our users’ delight. In many ways I feel like not only do I have Automatticians as coworkers but partner theme shops as well. Many a long night has been spent prepping premium themes for their launches, none of which would have been possible without solid, thriving relationships with our partners. In short, premium themes are my life right now.
My favorite ongoing project is _s, or Underscores. It’s a starter theme on which every single Automattic premium theme is built and it was created to both help us do our jobs better and educate the WordPress community on theming best practices. I actively contribute to the project primarily because I strongly believe in developer education and Open Source. It also doesn’t hurt that I get to play with git and GitHub, which is one of my favorite companies in existence.
It’s hard to understand the power of _s unless you see what’s built with it. Further, Ryu, A Simpler Time, and Untitled were all created using _s, but you’d never know it without being told and that’s what makes the starter theme so powerful. To date, Underscores has around 34 total contributors and it’s always open to more. I’ll continue to work on it because it provides a solid benchmark on which to grade other themes and it also gives me a chance to interact with the theming community. 
One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in life is that writing will take you everywhere. It doesn’t matter what occupation you hold or what you study, writing will take you far. If you are a new blogger who doesn’t know what to write about, just write; it’ll come to you. If you form the habit of blogging daily or weekly and stick to it, you’ll find your voice in no time and you’ll thank yourself for slogging through the days when writing didn’t feel so great. Keep at it and don’t stop, and a year from now you’ll be thankful your fingers kept tapping on your keyboard.
Philip with volunteers and fellow Automattician Naoko at WordCamp Seoul 2013
Without a doubt what I appreciate most at Automattic is the level of confidence that my colleagues and I have for each other to be the best in the world at what we do. We push each other to grow and learn, rarely — if ever — accept the status quo, and always think about how to make things better. We’re managers of one who rely on trust and sound judgment to guide our collective ship; it truly is a pleasure working with a company filled with so many independent thinkers who care most about pushing the needle forward day by day.
It also feels incredible to know hundreds of other like-minded individuals spread throughout the world who are firmly united by the goal of making the web a better place. I’m not alone in my love for WordPress and an open web and being virtually surrounded by others who share the same views really is something special.
Spare time will almost always consist of one, or any combination of the following:
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Third culture kids are cool!
I love emoticons! It’s like learning a whole new sign language. I find I have more editing leverage in: “Writer Live”. So you can imagine how pleased I was when I went to make my usual happy face, and an emoticon popped up in it’s place that expressed exactly how I was feeling at the time I was explaining about… One thing I might suggest, is to allow for a larger size icon size on profile pictures so I can glorify myself more completely! LOL! No really, though. And another thing! LOL! I’m quite pleased at the large selection of free themes.
Seriously though, have you thought about making themes a little more 3D. I used to make my own stationaries in Photoshop, and just loved the “eye popping” effect that could be easily created. It’s just a thought. All in all, the service and variety are excellent. And it does give you a feel like you’re building your own site, even if it’s really the code behind it! You guys are just great! I intend on staying with you when I start selling my pictures… Thank you all so much for a blog site that’s already feeling like home to me.
Cheers: Queege
I appreciate your willingness to encourage and teach!
The world needs more Moore! Keep up the good work.
Hi there, Philip. Hopefully my app will work this time. Thank you so much for all your do for us bloggers. I do appreciate it. May you be well and happy.
I had the pleasure of meeting him last year in a WordCamp here in Mumbai and even helping him in his presentation. 🙂
“…writing will take you everywhere.” Beautiful. Thanks, Philip, for what you believe and create.
I met Philip at WordCamp Mumbai. Nice person. Convinced me to try Underscores. 😉
Nice to get an insight into other people’s roles at companies.
This is very interesting and inspiring! It’s very nice to know about people’s jobs and roles in companies 🙂
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