How To Scan a Website for Vulnerabilities: Top Tools and Techniques – eWeek



eWEEK ANALYSIS: Research indicates that more than 56% of content management system installations are out of date and hence susceptible to compromise. Another study said 19% of web applications running on websites are vulnerable. In a global context, these stats translate to a gigantic attack surface.
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Knowing how to scan a website for vulnerabilities can help keep you protected in today’s digital world, where cyberthreats are a constant concern. Using vulnerability scanning to identify and address potential security weaknesses can prevent malicious actors from exploiting these vulnerabilities.
Here’s what you need to know about the expert tools and techniques available to help you manage your website’s vulnerabilities, remain vigilant against emerging threats, and uphold a robust security posture that protects your digital assets and reputation.
Website vulnerability management is the ongoing process of identifying, evaluating, reporting, and resolving vulnerabilities in web applications and websites. Its primary objective is to detect and mitigate security risks before they can be used for attacks. This process is important for hand-coded websites and those built on the most popular content management systems (CMS), WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.
As of 2024, WordPress dominates the CMS market with a 63 percent share, followed by Joomla with 2.4 percent and Drupal with 5 percent. The large market share of these CMS platforms makes them attractive targets for cybercriminals, as successful attacks can compromise a significant number of websites.
WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world, with around 800 million websites built on it. Its flexibility, ease of use, and extensive library of plugins and themes make it a preferred choice for developers and users alike. However, this popularity also makes WordPress a target for hackers and cybercriminals. Fortunately, scanning your WordPress website for vulnerabilities is a straightforward process.
Choose a suitable scanner—you can opt for plugins like Wordfence or WPScan, which are specifically designed for WordPress security, or consider a more comprehensive commercial tool like Acunetix or MalCare Security Plugin.
If you are using a plugin, you need to install and configure it to scan your site. For online tools, such as WPScan, visit the provider’s website and follow the instructions. Commercial scanners typically require you to sign up for their service and configure the settings for your site.
Schedule the plugin to scan your site at regular intervals; it will send scan results via email alerts. For online scanners, input your site’s URL into the tool’s webpage and wait for the scan to complete. Most commercial tools let you schedule scans according to their settings.
Address vulnerabilities based on the scan results. If using a plugin scanner, regularly update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins, and apply any recommended patches. For commercial scanning tools, follow their instructions for patching vulnerabilities. Regardless of the scanner type, ensure that all necessary patches are applied to maintain your site’s security.
To maintain the security of your WordPress site, regular monitoring and upkeep are needed. Periodically conduct scans to detect emerging vulnerabilities and routinely check for security issues to effectively secure the online presence of your website.
Joomla is another popular free,open-source CMS with more than 130 million downloads worldwide. This CMS is renowned for its ease of use, flexibility, and powerful core features, making it a prime target for hackers and cybercriminals. To minimize risks, follow a systematic approach when scanning Joomla websites for vulnerabilities.
Determine the exact version of Joomla running on the target site. This is an important step as it helps in uncovering vulnerabilities specific to that particular version. By identifying the installed version, you can cross-reference it against security databases for any potential security flaws that may be present in the website.
Then, list all installed components, modules, and templates on the website. These extensions can introduce additional vulnerabilities beyond those present in the core Joomla software. Tools like JoomScan can enumerate common information about the Joomla site, including the version number, CVEs, firewall detection, and common logs.
Black-box testing is a technique used to simulate an external attacker attempting to gain unauthorized access to the Joomla website. You treat the website as a black box, without any prior knowledge of its internal workings or configuration. Try to find security weaknesses by interacting with the website in the same way a malicious actor would—by submitting malformed input, exploiting common vulnerabilities, and probing for sensitive information.
Use specialized Joomla vulnerability scanners and security tools to automate the detection of known vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and entry points for attacks. By running these scanners against the website, you can quickly unveil areas of concern and prioritize remediation efforts.
Complete a passive scan to check if directory indexing is enabled on key locations. This can reveal sensitive information like source code, configuration files, and database dumps that could aid an attacker. Additionally, look for pages that disclose sensitive information in their HTML comments or in linked JavaScript files.
Vulnerability scanners like JoomlaVS can check if the site is linked from pages known to host malware or be associated with spam. Verify if the site’s IP address or domain is blacklisted by security organizations or antivirus vendors.
Free scanners like OpenVAS and Nikto can help expose known vulnerabilities in Joomla core, themes, extensions, modules, and components. By using these active tools, you can locate security weaknesses that may not be immediately apparent through passive analysis alone.
Review detailed reports to pinpoint high-risk vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker to gain unauthorized access, elevate privileges, or compromise sensitive data. Prioritize remediation based on factors like exploit availability, impact, and ease of exploitation.
Update Joomla core and extensions to the latest secure versions to patch known vulnerabilities. Implement strong access controls, password policies, and multi-factor authentication (MFA) to limit unauthorized access. Configure web application firewalls (WAFs) and intrusion detection systems (IDS) to protect against common attacks.
Drupal is a leading CMS for creating and managing dynamic websites. It is built on PHP and is governed by the GNU General Public License, making it free and open-source. It powers over 1.7 million websites, and is commonly used for informational sites, social media sites, member sites, intranets, and web applications. There are steps you can take to proactively detect and fix security vulnerabilities in your Drupal website.
Use tools like DroopeScan to find out the Drupal version, installed modules, and themes. This information helps unearth known vulnerabilities in the specific Drupal version and components.
You can employ vulnerability scanning tools to check for common web server and CMS vulnerabilities. These can reveal misconfigurations, outdated components, and potential entry points for attacks. You can also use Nikto for scanning Drupal vulnerabilities.
SQL injection tools, such as SQLmap, assist in attempting to exploit any vulnerabilities found and gaining deeper access to the website’s databases and systems. Don’t forget to collaborate with your security team to make sure you have permission before conducting any penetration testing.
Regularly monitor server logs for suspicious activity, failed login attempts, and other indicators of security breaches. This step accelerates detection and response to security incidents. Look for multiple failed login attempts from the same IP address which could be a sign of brute-force attacks, or unusual access patterns.
Make sure that the Drupal core, modules, and themes are always updated to the latest secure versions to patch known vulnerabilities. Visit the Drupal advisory page regularly for the latest security updates.
Hand-coded websites can be particularly vulnerable to security threats, as they often lack the robust security features and regular updates found in modern content management systems. These sites require a more manual and creative means to vulnerability scanning. By following a structured approach, combining automated and manual techniques, and staying current with security best practices, you can scan a hand-coded website for vulnerabilities and help boost its defense.
Start by using a web scanning tool like WhatWeb to gather information about the website, including programming languages, frameworks, and versions used. This information can help you pinpoint known vulnerabilities that may affect the site. Look for outdated versions of components with known exploits available. Determining the programming versions can also give clues, as new vulnerabilities are constantly being discovered.
Leverage security scanners like ZAP, w3af, and skipfish to check for usual web server and application vulnerabilities. These scanners can reveal obsolete system components, errors in configurations, and weak access points, giving you a good baseline understanding of your website’s security status.
For a deeper scanning of your web application, consider a more advanced solution like Burp Scanner. This web vulnerability scanner can help you locate typical website vulnerabilities and other application-specific weaknesses. Sophisticated website scanners can test for more complex vulnerabilities and offer more in-depth security analysis.
Conducting a hands-on security audit and manually reviewing the code, configuration files, and server logs can help reveal vulnerabilities that automated scanners may miss. Search for improper input validation, weak authentication, and other insecure coding practices. Looking for misconfigurations and unnecessary services is also important.
Remember to always have permission before conducting any penetration testing activities on a website you do not own or manage. Unauthorized testing can be considered illegal in some jurisdictions, so ensure you have explicit authorization and follow any rules of engagement.
Continuously stay informed about the latest security best practices and vulnerabilities to ensure your scanning methodology is effective and up-to-date. Follow security pages and join online communities to keep up with the latest cyberthreats and website vulnerabilities, then update your scanning procedures to account for threats and techniques.
Websites are usual targets for malicious actors because of the sensitive data they handle. Failing to resolve common website vulnerabilities can lead to devastating consequences, like data breaches, system compromises, and reputational damage. As a website owner or developer, you must be aware of these prevalent security risks and take proactive steps to mitigate them.
There are many website vulnerability scanning tools available, both commercial and open-source. While commercial tools come with advanced features and support, open-source alternatives can be just as effective in scanning your website for security weaknesses. We highly recommend three open-source website scanning tools which are widely used by security professionals and have reliable vulnerability detection capabilities.
WPScan icon.
WPScan is a popular security scanner designed to assess the security of WordPress websites. Its key strengths include vulnerability detection, version enumeration, and user enumeration capabilities. This website vulnerability scanning tool can check the WordPress core, plugins, and themes against a large database of known vulnerabilities, so you can quickly deal with security issues that may arise. WPScan also delivers password brute-force testing and detects publicly accessible configuration files and database dumps.
WPScan requires a paid API subscription to access the full vulnerability database and receive detailed vulnerability information. However, the free API plan should be sufficient for many WordPress users, and the tool’s extensive security scanning capabilities make it a valuable choice for securing WordPress websites.
OWASP icon.
JoomScan is an open-source vulnerability scanner project under OWASP and is a reputable tool for detecting and analyzing vulnerabilities in Joomla installations. JoomScan can perform in-depth scans of Joomla sites, enumerate versions, detect core vulnerabilities, identify installed components/modules, and find directory listings and backup files. In addition, its modular and lightweight architecture ensures minimal footprint during scans.
While JoomScan brings valuable features, it has limited documentation and project updates, which may impact long-term viability against new Joomla vulnerabilities. However, as an open-source project, the community can contribute to tackle any shortcomings.
GitHub icon.
Droopescan is an open-source and plugin-based scanner that aids in detecting issues with CMS, primarily Drupal, WordPress, and Silverstripe. This vulnerability scanning tool conducts plugin checks, theme checks, version checks, and interesting URL checks for security issues. These checks also help you determine the CMS type, version, themes, and plugins. Droopescan offers a default configuration that does not overload the target server with excessive concurrent requests.
While Droopescan may not be as mature or feature-rich as some other vulnerability scanners, it remains a valuable choice for Drupal security assessments due to its ease of use, accuracy, and active development.
Scanning for vulnerability is indispensable in maintaining the security and integrity of any website, regardless of the underlying technology or framework. By routinely scanning for vulnerabilities, you can swiftly find signs of security issues and take action. While automated scanning tools can be useful in detecting common vulnerabilities, they may not catch everything. These tools should be used in conjunction with regular penetration testing and manual code reviews.
Choose a reliable and trusted vulnerability scanning tool that can accurately identify vulnerabilities without generating an excessive number of false positives. Open source options have effective vulnerability scanning capabilities at no cost. By regularly scanning for vulnerabilities and staying up-to-date with the latest security threats and mitigation techniques, you can significantly reduce the risk of successful attacks and protect your websites and its users.
Discover effective ways to fortify your cloud security and protect your organization by checking out our article on How to Guard Against the Biggest Cloud Security Threats.
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