SCORE: How to use conversion copywriting to increase sales, buyers – Cape Cod Times



Marketers write copy daily for landing pages, social media posts, email newsletters — you name it. And this content isn’t just supposed to sound pretty, it’s supposed to be powerful enough to convert visitors into consumers. In fact, as of 2022, over 60% of marketers measure the success of their content through the sales it generates.
That’s no small feat.
If you’re stuck in a writing rut or unsure how to use conversion copywriting to increase sales, consider the copywriting tips below.
First, what is conversion copywriting? Simply put, it is writing, or copy, aimed at the ultimate goal of converting readers into buyers. Conversion copywriting uses engaging and persuasive language to motivate readers to take a specific action. Typically, the goal of conversion copywriting is to encourage readers to purchase a product or service. However, conversion copy can be used at all stages of the buyer’s journey, so conversion copywriting might be leveraged to inform buyers about their pain points, encourage them to sign up for newsletters or future offers or simply increase brand awareness.
There’s a difference between conversion copywriting and SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting. SEO and conversion copywriting can coincide, but the biggest distinction is the goal you’ll have in mind when creating the content: SEO copy is written with the intent of getting on page one of Google search results. Conversion copy, on the other hand, is written with the intent of keeping readers on page once they find your content.
Write like the boss. The first — and perhaps most important — rule is to write with confidence. Avoid words such as “need,” “think,” “just,” “probably,” “maybe” and “possibly.” Instead, be direct with your writing, and ensure you get your point across without superfluous details.
Confidence is key to making you feel empowered to write directly to your readers and encourage them to take action, without offering apologies or excuses.
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Remove the phrase “check out” from your vocabulary. It can be incredibly easy to write “check out” when you’re encouraging readers to click on a link or read a blog post. Instead, start using stronger action verbs to communicate the value of what someone will get by completing your call to action (CTA). For instance, consider the difference between the CTA link, “Check out how to optimize your landing pages here,” and “Optimize your landing pages here.” The second one is much stronger and likely more effective.
Don’t bury the lead. As writers, it can be tempting to create beautiful, long-winded introductions full of humor and imagery and metaphors. But as conversion writers, it’s best to get to the point.
Use negative CTA instead of positive ones. Consider how you might leverage negative CTAs instead of positive ones. Rather than writing “Remember to follow these rules,” try “Don’t forget to follow these rules.” Negative CTAs work particularly well for business-to-consumer (B2C) brands. As an avid online shopper myself, I can attest that seeing “Don’t miss out on 10% off” or “Don’t forget to purchase” is often all the encouragement I need to buy.
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Leverage “why” and “because.” Whenever possible, aim to use “why” and “because” to posit interesting, thought-provoking, open-ended questions and encourage your viewers to keep reading to find out the answer. “Why” wants to be resolved, and the reader expects “because.” “Because” resolves the “why” and triggers reason, which is an ingrained cue for trust, which is key for compelling CTAs. “Because” at the start of the sentence creates a pause. “Why?” gets the bonus visual of a question mark.
Use the royal we/you. Using “I” too often can signify selfishness in a brand. By contrast, using “we” and “our” implies inclusivity and trust, and “you” signifies empathy. Take a look at the difference between, “In this post, I am going to demonstrate five examples of copywriting” versus “In this post, let’s explore five examples of copywriting.” or “In this post, we’ll explore five examples of copywriting.” Feel the difference?
Read what you write out loud. Oftentimes, one of the easiest ways to catch awkward or cumbersome writing is by reading it out loud. Reading your content out loud can help ensure you sound authentic, natural and human. Additionally, leverage synonyms to find different ways to say the same thing and do it in a way that cuts through the noise.
Write with your eyeballs. When writing for conversion, consider how your writing looks on the page. Many prospects and visitors will skim through your content, so you want to make that easy for them to do. Leverage spacing, numbers, exclamation points, question marks, percent signs, emojis, and more to make your content as digestible as possible.
Do unto others. Having compassion is key. Don’t forget that the person on the other end is a busy, stressed human like you. Take the time to ensure that what you want to communicate will be understood as you intend it. Reading out loud is one effective strategy for ensuring your writing conveys empathy. Additionally, put yourself in the reader’s shoes often and ask yourself “Would I click this link?”, “Would I find this helpful?” and “Would I enjoy this content?”
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If you’re not passionate about it, your readers won’t be, either.
Write with a clear objective. Conversion copywriting is different from other types of writing in one key way: You want people to take action as a result of your writing. This is why you must identify what action you want readers to take, and then work backward from it.
For instance, on social media, there are only two objectives:
conversion (click) — which always works with how-to and tactical content.
Reach (share) — To get readers to share your content, you’ll want to appeal to their ego.
Contributed by Marc L. Goldberg, Certified Mentor, SCORE Cape Cod & the Islands., [email protected], 508-775-4884. Source: January 2023 Volume 4, Issue 1. Score’s PARTNERS IN SUCCESS Newsletter, SCORE Southeastern Massachusetts.
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