Pembaruan pada konten Situs Web WordCamp Central!

Pembaruan pada konten Situs Web WordCamp Central!



I’m happy to announce a content update to the WordCamp Central website! 🎉 These updates have been carefully designed to align with our new purpose, better serve our diverse audiences, and shine a brighter spotlight on the full spectrum of WordPress events.

Why the Update?

Our goal was to revise and enhance the content across several key pages to:

  • Reflect on the evolving purpose of WordCamp Central Website for all WordCamp activities globally. includes a list of upcoming and past camp with links to each. and WordCamps.
  • Emphasize the visibility of all WordPress events, including Meetups Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook., WP Events, and Do_Actions.
  • Increase awareness of valuable resources like and organize an event.
  • Follow an SEO-driven strategy to ensure the website is discoverable and informative for the WordPress community and beyond.

What’s New?

Here’s a quick overview of the updates:

Aligning Content with Our New Purpose

  • Top Description Section: The main description has been refreshed to communicate our website’s broader goals and new audience focus.
  • About WordCamps: This page now highlights the evolving purpose and mission of WordCamps in the WordPress ecosystem.
  • What to Expect: Updated to provide accurate and relevant information for attendees based on the latest expectations.

Enhancing the Visibility of WordPress Events

  • Global Sponsors Page: Featuring more engaging content to showcase the invaluable contributions of our sponsors to the WordPress community.
  • Sponsor Multiple WordCamps: This page has been revised to present up-to-date details about sponsorship opportunities.

Promoting Other WordPress Events

  • Event Listings and Schedules: We’ve added mentions of Meetups and WP Events to pages.
  • Organizer Information: The Become an Organizer page now provides updated links and mentions of organizing several types of events.
  • Contact Us Page: Includes references to Meetups, WP Events, and links to relevant application forms.

Cleaning Up and Modernizing

  • Footer Links: Outdated links, such as Mercantile, have been removed to ensure our website remains current and user-friendly.

Explore the Updates!

These updates mark a step forward in ensuring the WordCamp Central website continues to be a valuable resource for the WordPress community. We encourage you to explore the updated pages, discover how you can get involved, and share these updates with your networks.

Visit WordCamp Central

Thanks to @devinmaeztri @peiraisotta @unintended8 @kcristiano @pkevan and @francescodicandia for helping with the texts and the updates!

#update, #website, #wordcamp-central



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